

Before Applying, Clean Up Your Social Accounts

Times have changed.  The introduction of social media, chatroom, subreddits, etc have resulted in a huge chunk of our lives displayed online (publicly or through usernames). Though convenient to find a trending place to eat, communicating with friends and family, or shopping from the convenience of your home, it can also be problematic when it comes time to READ MORE–>

Resume Tips – Focus on Needs of Buyer

Let’s assume at the start that your resume should be a chronological series of events; although it is really part of the overall marketing package you are using to sell yourself to a prospective buyer (employer). At a minimum, your marketing package will include a resume and cover letter. Thus, the first few lines of your resume are READ MORE–>

Resume Tips – 10 Things to Remove

Writing your resume/CV for the first time? Updating a long-unused existing one? Maybe you’re trying to spice it up to stand out from the crowd.

You know your resume/CV is usually the first impression you make on a potential employer or recruiter. This is your chance to show off what you can do, to convince the reader that you’re READ MORE–>

Which is Better a LinkedIn Profile or a Resume

Both your resume and LinkedIn profile can affect the success of your career search. Just as a poorly written resume misrepresents your skillset and abilities, a well-defined LinkedIn profile enhances your professional online presence. Thus, defining your career online while connecting with colleagues, companies, recruiters, and other professionals is key to selling yourself to a prospective employer.  Right READ MORE–>

Working with a Recruiter to Advance Your Career in Agriculture

If the thought of looking for a new job overwhelms you then using a recruiting or search firm to assist you might be a better option.  Working with a firm that specializes in the Agricultural Industry can be more fruitful or rewarding than working with a generalized firm.  Many times, recruiters know about opportunities that are READ MORE–>

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