Careers in Animal Science focus on the health and well-being of both domestic animals and wildlife. They focus on the sustainability and efficiency of food and fibre supply chains at the farm, local, provincial, and national levels. Within this career path, there is a multidisciplinary nature to a career.
Employment occurs within the private or public sector with food production companies, research laboratories, zoos and breeding organizations, agriculture equipment and supply companies, agribusiness companies, rural banks and industry associations and academic/vocational training providers.
Candidates may have post-secondary education in Animal Science and/or Animal Health with majors and minors that support their passion. Those that are interested in research pursue post-graduate Masters of Doctorates.
- Account Manager
- Animal Geneticist
- Animal Health Sales
- Animal Nutritionist
- Area Sales Manager
- Business Development Executive
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Controller
- Dairy Nutritionist
- Feed Inspector
- Feed Mill General Manager
- Feed Store Manager
- Field Sales Representative
- Meat Inspector
- Microbiologist
- Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical Sales Representative
- Pharmaceutical Chemist
- Process/Continuous Improvement Manager
- Regional Manager
- Regional Sales Representative
- Regional Sales Manager
- Regional VP
- Research & Development Manager
- Ruminant Nutritionist
- Sales & Marketing Manager
- Sales Representative
- Veterinarian – Avian
- Veterinarian – Large Animal
- Veterinarian – Small Animal
- Veterinarian Assistant
- Veterinary Equipment/Supply Sales

Whether selling seed, crop protection products, crop nutrients, or agricultural technology, those involved in this AOR understand crop production practices and have practical problem-solving skills. These Crop and Soil Science positions innovate, conduct research, promote sustainable and alternative soil maintenance and crop production methodologies – either at the farm gate or in positions that support the on-farm recommendations.
Careers often focus on the breeding, physiology, production, yield, or management of soils and crops. From there, they specialize in soil composition as it relates to crop production and yield (including nutrient management) while working on methods to control weeds, eliminate or deter pests or control diseases. They advise on production and farming best practices and develop methods to increase crop yields with sustainability and environmental concerns in mind.
To work in this field, you have a good grasp of science, mathematics, and research best practices.
Post-Secondary education required – with 90% requiring a Bachelor of Science degree. There are some certificate or Associate degrees that provide the general knowledge required for animal and crop education without a specific focus on either.
- Account Manager
- Agricultural Adviser
- Agrologist (P.Ag)
- Agronomist
- Agronomist – Seed Production
- Agronomist (On-Farm)
- Agronomy Manager
- Area Sales Manager
- Assistant Manager
- Branch Manager
- Business Development Executive
- Buyer – Wholesale
- Certified Seed Grower
- Chemical Applicator
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Commodity Broker
- Commodity Procurement / Merchandiser
- Commodity Trading Manager
- Consulting Agronomist
- Controller
- Crop Advisor
- District Manager
- Division Sales Manager
- Fertilizer Plant Manager
- Field Sales Representative
- Health & Safety Manager
- Horticulturist
- Plant Breeder
- Plant Geneticist
- Plant Scientist / Field Agronomist
- Precision Agronomist
- Precision Farming Specialist
- Product Support Representative
- Regional Manager
- Regional Sales Representative
- Regional Sales Manager
- Regional VP
- Research & Development Manager
- Sales & Marketing Manager
- Sales Agronomist
- Sales Representative
- Seed Crop Inspector
- Seed Production Technician
- Seed Technologist (Registered)
- Soil Scientist

Equipment & Manufacturing
Engineers and Technical Specialists are agriculture’s problem solvers. They know not only what needs to be done but can map out detailed plans to execute on ideas. Individuals in these careers always want to know “how does it work”? They have an aptitude for identifying systems and processes and can outline those processes in detail.
One trend we have certainly seen in the agriculture industry is the widespread adoption of new technologies. These technologies have allowed us to keep pace with a growing population. However, the adoption of technology requires qualified employees to not only create the technology, but also to implement, troubleshoot, and modify the technology.
Also, as the size of many agriculture operations has expanded, technical expertise has become increasingly vital. On small operations, the team can be all generalists, but as operations grow, technical expertise in very focused fields becomes essential.
Post-secondary education in Agriculture / Mechanic / Electrical Engineering, Construction Management, Hydrological Sciences, or Agriculture Management.
- Account Manager
- AfterMarket Manager
- AfterMarket Sales
- Area Sales Manager
- Brand Manager
- Business Development Executive
- Buyer – Wholesale
- CAD/CAM Programmer
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- CNC Programmer
- Computer Software Designer
- Controller
- Corporate Parts Manager
- Corporate Sales Manager
- Dealership Manager
- Design Engineer
- Director of Maintenance
- Director of Sales
- Distribution Centre Manager
- Distribution Manager – Sales
- District Manager
- Division Sales Manager
- Engineering Manager
- Equipment Designer/Engineer
- Equipment Sales – CE
- Export Sales Manager
- Fabrication Manager
- Farm Equipment Sales
- Field Sales Representative
- Health & Safety Manager
- Heavy Equipment Operator
- HD Mechanic/Technician
- Integrated Solutions Specialist
- International Sales Manager
- Irrigation Engineer
- Irrigation Specialist
- Logistics Manager
- Maintenance Planner
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Maintenance / Service Technician
- Manufacturing Manager
- Materials Manager
- Mechanical Technologist
- Millwright
- National Accounts Manager
- National Sales Manager
- OEM Sales Manager
- Operations Manager – Manufacturing
- Partsperson
- Parts Manager
- Precision Farming Specialist
- Process/Continuous Improvement Manager
- Procurement Manager
- Product Manager
- Product Support Representative
- Production Engineering Manager
- Production Manager
- Production Planning Technician
- Purchasing Manager
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Quality Control Inspector
- QA/QC Technician
- Regional Manager
- Regional Sales Manager
- Regional Sales Representative
- Regional Service Manager
- Research & Development Manager
- Robotics Technologist
- Sales & Marketing Manager
- Sales Representative
- Shop Foreman
- Service Manager
- Supply Chain Manager
- Technical Support Specialist
- Warehouse Manager
- Wholesale Account Manager

Candidates are directly involved in the business of agriculture; pre- or post-production. Candidates are involved in communications (media/marketing), sales, and operations management but their skill sets aren’t specific to one AOR; cross-functioning.
Candidates enjoy a competitive challenge, a fast pace environment, and working on a team. Agribusiness is all about servicing customer needs. You can find careers in the list below that involve working for a small business or a multi-national corporation and anywhere in between.
Many business principles are universal, and agribusiness is no exception.
Candidates may have post-secondary education in finance, marketing, administration, human resources, etc as applicable to the role.
- Accountant
- Accounting Manager
- Advertising Manager
- Agricultural Adviser
- Bank Relationship Manager
- Business Manager
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Commercial Insurance Broker
- Commodity Trading Manager
- Communications Manager
- Consulting Agronomist
- Controller
- Credit Manager
- Crop Adjuster
- Executive Assistant
- Executive Director
- Executive Recruiter
- Field Agent – Insurance
- Finance Manager
- Financial Services Manager
- Human Resource Generalist
- Human Resource Manager
- Insurance Agent
- Loan Officer
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Representative/Specialist
- Marketing VP
- President
- Public Relations
- Regulatory Compliance Manager
- Risk Management Specialist
- Training Manager
- Vice President

Grain/Food Processing
Processing and distribution are where value is added to agricultural goods in the supply chain. Candidates in this field range from sourcing, purchasing, logistics to processing to inspection.
These positions require very high attention to detail and problem-solving capabilities. Many of these candidates either buy commodities or are involved in the process of taking a raw good and converting it into a consumable good. Others involve coordinating the logistics or quality control of getting the products to the consumers who want them.
Candidates may have post-secondary education in Marketing, Grain / Meat / Food Science, or Agriculture Economics.
- Account Manager
- Business Development Executive
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Commodity Procurement / Merchandiser
- Controller
- Dairy Plant Manager
- Director of Extraction
- District Manager
- Facility Manager
- Feed Mill General Manager
- Field Sales Representative
- Food Broker
- Food Processing Supervisor
- Food Production Supervisor
- Food Scientist/Technologist
- Grain Broker
- Grain Buyer
- Grain Elevator District Manager
- Grain Elevator Manager
- Grain Grader
- Grain Inspector
- Grain Marketing Specialist
- Grain Originator
- Health & Safety Manager
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Millwright
- Operations Manager
- Operations VP
- Process/Continuous Improvement Manager
- Production Supervisor
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Quality Control Inspector
- Regional Manager
- Regional Sales Manager
- Regional Sales Representative
- Regional VP
- Research & Development Manager
- Seed Crop Inspector
- Seed Technologist (Registered)
- Senior Buyer
- Warehouse Manager
- Wholesale Account Manager

Resource Management
Protection and sustainable utilization of our natural resources are what agriculture is all about. Without the water, soil, and nutrients, our industry could not survive. Fostering these natural resources is a vital job and an excellent career choice. Many of these candidates are in remote areas, and the professionals that do these jobs wouldn’t have it any other way.
Candidates may have post-secondary education in the environment, sustainability, conservation, and alternative energy.
- Environmentalist
- Hydrologist
- Land Surveyor (Agricultural)
- Natural Resources Scientist
- Range Conservationist
- Soil Conservationist
- Waste Management Specialist
- Water Resources Manager
- Wind Substation Technician
- Wind Turbine Technician

Vegetables and fruits are a necessity for good nutrition and health, a flavorful part of our diets, and an important impact on the economy. This industry provides jobs and income, including those in the seed industry, in the production, processing, wholesaling, and retailing of vegetable and fruit products. The industry must deal with problems such as low yields and disease or insect-damaged products; public concerns about chemical use; soil salinity and reduced supplies of irrigation water. Research also offers great opportunities to develop new vegetables and fruits with improved nutrition and health benefits; increasing global markets as a result.
- Area Sales Manager
- Greenhouse Manager
- Hydroponics Producer
- Produce Buyer
- Vegetable Grower
- Viticulturist
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Sales Representative