We all can’t be a specialist in everything. Whether it is our taxes, legal issues, public relations, or a medical problem, we know there are those with expertise to whom we should consider as dependable resources.
Is it any different when you’re looking to replace or add someone in an important position within your company? NO! You engage the services of a specialist when you want to know the task is being completed to your expectations.
Regardless of whether you have an internal HR Team or not, there are numerous benefits to working with a recruitment firm that specializes in your niche and industry. In fact, below are a few key benefits of working with such a firm:
• Passive candidates—quality candidates don’t tend to apply to job boards and career sites. Passive candidates are gainfully employed and wish to maintain confidentiality. Teaming with a recruiter increases your chances of being introduced to highly qualified individuals whom you wouldn’t have met otherwise. They might not have been looking at career transition per se, but when the right opportunity comes along, would be willing to not only consider your position, perhaps even relocate for a career advancement. This enlarges your talent pool tremendously and increases the chance of finding the most qualified candidate for the role.
• Expert Advice – Recruitment specialists knows ‘tricks of the trade’ regarding sourcing, qualifying, interviewing, and assisting with offer negotiations. Not only that, but they watch trends and developments within the industry, allowing them to provide insight regarding candidates, the job market, salaries, and just about anything else relevant to your search.
• Marketing the Role – A recruitment specialists’ sole task is recruiting. Once suitable candidates are sourced that match the requirements, competencies, and ‘fit’ to the position, they will profile the entire opportunity – highlighting not only the tasks and responsibilities; they will market the advantages and benefits of your organizational culture throughout the entire process. As a result, when an offer is extended to the top candidate, that candidate will be more likely to accept it.
• Cost Benefit Analysis – Keeping an important position open for an extended period of time is costly. Not only is there nobody in the position, but others within the company must devote time and energy away from their own duties to cover that vacancy, further hampering productivity, and ultimately, profitability. When someone is performing two roles for an extended period of time, possibly people who aren’t qualified to do the work they’re filling in for in the first place, you might end up with an overstressed employee ready to walk out the door (and then you have two positions to fill)! When you pay the recruiter to find you the ideal candidates, you don’t have to pay benefits or other perks for the privilege. Because they have a network of qualified candidates, depending on supply and demand, they can often connect with those that best fit what you’re looking for, getting the right person for the job in as expediently as possible.
• Huge Time Savings – A recruiter eliminates your time spent answering inquiries, screening potential applicants, interviewing & reference checking potentially unsuitable applicants. You only review and interview those who have been pre-qualified and pre-screened as suitable to your needs, culture, and location.
• Confidentiality and Privacy – Work in complete confidence, a recruiter will maintain the integrity of the client’s image in the public eye while adhering to privacy legislation.
When you have an important position to fill, you want to fill it with the best candidate, not the best available candidate, in the shortest amount of time possible. And the way you accomplish this is not by hiring a lawyer, an accountant, a public relations firm, or even a medical specialist.
The type of support offered by a recruiter varies – from completely taking over the search (retained), presenting candidates that cross our path (contingent) or a combination of both (container), the fee structures vary. Our reputable firm will always set out a professional business agreement with our client company ahead of time. Grasslands Recruitment Specialists’ stands behind our work, offering a guarantee period for every full service placement and a pledge to create a positive solution for everyone involved.
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