

Stereotypes to Rethink in a Job Search

Whether you have a unique career path or have a common job title, some positions have formed unintentional and spontaneous stereotypes. For example, if you are in Marketing you MUST be tech-savvy and, ultimately, be able to fix any IT problem. (NOT)

Do some of these stereotypes sound familiar?

“HR is too strict and sensitive”

If a company has more than READ MORE–>

Think your Resume is the Size of a Post-It Note?

For many, changing employers after an extended tenure can instil fear and/or dread.  Throughout 2020, many agricultural professionals were forced to re-evaluate their career options – some due to a “forced” job search.  Thus, writing skills were put to a challenge revising (or composing) a resume.

If you have had the same employer for years, you may find it READ MORE–>

How Technology Fools You to Quick-Apply

Experts state to create a story within a job ad. Online job boards and social media have made it simpler to apply with one click for every position advertised, but should you?

Statistics indicate that men will apply if they fit 60% of the qualifications while women are more discerning at 90%. As such, some organizations fill their funnel READ MORE–>

Find Satisfying Work

Are you an older job-seeker who is currently looking for work? If so, you have likely faced your share of roadblocks and unfortunate stereotypes based upon your age alone. Yet, despite the discouraging experiences you may have encountered, a post-midlife job search can bring undeniable rewards: renewed energy and vigour, a sense of purpose and a fresh start. READ MORE–>

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